Heathlands Village is run in a way that allows you, if you wish, to observe a Jewish religious and cultural way of life. At the same time, we welcome people of other faiths or no faith.
The Village has a purpose-built synagogue in the main building where regular services are held.
There are one or two differences in the way we do things, compared to other care homes. These will not affect your care or your enjoyment of life at Heathlands Village:
- As a ‘kosher’ home, certain foods cannot be brought into the home, or cooked and served by our catering team.
- Saturday is the Jewish Sabbath (day of rest) when we do not run residents’ activities; TVs are turned off in communal areas and The Village Shop and The Central Café are closed.
The Sabbath brings a very special atmosphere to Heathlands Village with traditional celebratory foods and lots of extra visitors, including children and young people. A reception is held after morning synagogue services which all residents are invited to attend.
We employ a full-time Religious Director who provides spiritual and religious support to residents and their families.